Searching for a mental health therapist can be an overwhelming task and I value the time, commitment and courage it takes to find a counselor who meets your specific needs. I am committed to earning your trust by first focusing on the creation of a strong authentic therapeutic relationship and promising a holding space in my office where you feel seen, safe, heard and genuinely cared for. Together, using your insight and my clinical expertise we will create solutions and opportunities that allow you to heal from the past, connect with the present and build your desired future. You will learn to manage life’s challenges by increasing powerful resources based on Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and Integrative Wellness. I take pride in being able to conceive each one of my clients and a unique complex individual who requires individually tailored treatment addressing issues in the mind, body and spirit. It would be an honor to assist you in moving towards the satisfaction, compassion, resilience and presence that you deserve.

“Tyler provided a safe environment where I felt I could discuss anything without judgment. He did more than just listen, he provided me with use feedback on steps that I could take to make life better for myself.”
“The last year has been a series of obstacles that I couldn’t have imaged facing without the space that Tyler has created and the tools he provided that helped my find myself.”
“Tyler is an skilled listener offering perspective that provided me solid footing between sessions and solutions that led me back to my best possible self.”