Give yourself a "CRAZY ALLOWANCE"

The stigma that surrounds defining a person or action as "crazy", "insane" or "mentally ill" can be unbelievably damaging. Giving yourself a Crazy Allowance can be a step forward in breaking down the harmful expectations we place on ourselves and others. What I mean by Crazy Allowance is similar to the concept of self-compassion, meaning there is utility in lowering personal expectations of what we deem "sane behavior". This utility is increased when coupled with an awareness of the societal influence of collectively defining what is "normal". If we can work towards preparing ourselves for and learning from mental breakdowns and/or episodes of "crazy"/irrational behavior then we create room for not only personal development but also acceptance, empathy and compassion for others. In this video produced by The School of Life (my favorite YouTube channel) this interesting concept is laid out in a manner far more eloquent and entertaining than I could muster. Let me know what you think!

Tyler March