Journaling = The Opposite of Instagram

There are two types of clients in which I work with, those that journal and those that do not. Yes, I am being facetious and yes this is a wild over simplification of not only the human experience but of the unique individuals that work with. However, I say this to highlight the point that journaling can be a powerful tool for creating optimal mental health but it is often met with marked resistance. I find that those clients who commit to journaling often arrive at powerful insights into creating positive lasting change in their lives quicker than those who resist journaling. For many of the same reasons clients "cannot meditate" or "forgot to do that self care activity"; many clients do not carve out the 10 minutes necessary for cementing a journaling practice. There are a multitude of benefits from journaling and by no means and I claiming that without journaling you can not have optimal mental health, I am simply stating that trying journaling 10 minutes a day for 30 days can truly change your cognitive wellbeing. Most of us are on social media of some sort and the damaging effects of constant comparison and thirst for external validation can be toxic to say they least, perpetually filtering our thoughts and actions in order to get more likes. One of the participants in the attached BuzzFeed Life/Change video comments that "Journaling is the opposite of Instagram '' and I couldn't agree more. I believe that one can find balance from the detrimental effects of social media by committing to a journaling practice. A proper journal is for you and you alone, you choose who to share the content with and control who has access to your entries. The input into your journal can be unadulterated honest emotional and cognitive expression and we as modern humans have very little outlets for this type of private expression and reflection. Being able to reflect on your day or week creates a type of "on demand therapist" that I invite you to create. Journaling is not for everyone but assuredly worth a try. As always, take care of yourself

Tyler March