Knowing your "ND Ratio"

It may not be new information to you but, awareness if the key to valuable action and valuable action is the key to fulfillment and lasting satisfaction. I believe that we can never hope to manage a behavior or emotion that we don't have a measurable awareness of the behavior or emotion in question. So, here is a quick awareness increasing intervention that I find valuable and that I hope you find useful. 

Step 1:

  • Make a LIST of all the activities you do in a day chronologically..all of them. Nothing too big or small, just any given day.

Step 2: 

  • Using this list write an “N” if that activity is nourishing of your energy and a “D” if that activity is draining/depleting of your energy. COUNT your “N” and “D”...what's the ratio?

Step 3: 

  • PLAN to act on this awareness that the “D” might out way your “N” number. A strategy could be alternating “N” activities within what can be a long streak if “D” in your day.

Tyler March